On a winter’s morn…

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I adore the languishing shadows that stretch and blur in the morning light – it’s a magical time especially in winter when the chill of the night is gently pushed aside by warming rays of light giving way to a crisp fresh day.


The wisteria has shed her summer frills and stands bare and solemn against the winter sky. She slumbers deeply unaware of the raging party that lies at her feet.


The snowdrops are shy and bow their little polka dotted caps to the unfurling day – these little guys have multiplied under the earth during summer and burst into life with their strappy leaves and dainty flowers, the loveliest shade of green – every year they creep and encroach on more ground which is just fine with me! I’m so glad they feel they can run amok in our garden.


The lavender bush are well poised and wave their  petals like flags in a fairground, their soothing scent permeating the crisp air and enticing a sentinel of bees to taste their wares.


I love white pansies and have found them hard to find in the nurseries. I’m going to try to save some seeds this year and if that fails buy some seeds and raise them in my (still in the box…) mini greenhouse (thanks Aldi!) late spring next year. It is true when they say that white flowers glow in your garden – they really do! And not just at dusk either I can spot my pots brimming with their happy faces from far off and they give my heart a little skippy beat of joy.


And lastly for today the Japonica camellias are bursting with colour, big pops of gaudy cerise like flowery exclamation marks dotted throughout the garden. They ask for little – not high maintenance girls at all – like the bulbs they unasumingly  survive the hot humid summers we experience here and faithfully perform once winter rounds the corner.

What flowering in your garden?



May in the southern hemisphere is a wondrous adventure of chilly nights and sunny sunny days filled with a big blue sky. Nature is transitioning us into its slumbering winter taking us gently into the depths of slow cooked meals and nights of snuggling under comforting blankets with a project in hand to keep the fingers and mind nimble.


My project of choice (way too many choices!!) is a crocheted number that has been languishing in ‘the pile’ over summer. It was conceived about this time last year and like a middle child melded itself amongst the bustle of more lavish endeavours AKA the hexagon blanket and the bee keeper’s quilt and then there’s an embroidered quilt …..oh! and a tapestry cushion by Kaffe Fasset…..so I chose the project most likely to be finished in the least amount of time – to keep the ball of enthusiasm rolling – with hope of snowballing down that hill of completeness in lightning speed!


Here she is in her infancy and it makes me feel chuffed to think she’s grown so much – I figure 2 rows a night and she’ll be fulfilling her destiny as a snuggling implement – all soft and warm – in about a month – Yay! Then to prioritise the other projects and to be disciplined enough n o t to start another – ahem….

Proud moment in time…

Dear reader

today is the day that Courtney was inducted as a prefect for her last year of school. Norm and I are so proud of this little one for whom school has been quite a worrisome annoying affair and the road to year 11 has been a rocky one at times. I am chuffed at how she has pulled it together and emerged graceful and empowered and has been duly recognised for her efforts. 


Saturday night will be etched into our memory banks for many reasons. We attended a rather amazing 70s retro party at an equally amazing abode. The home of the hostess is an eclectic mix of bohemian and found items that just make you feel instantly welcomed and loved. Retro food was produced amongst the fairy lights and glowing pit fire – old friendships mingled with new. Day beds adorned nearly every room and were sprinkled with plush, embroidered cushions beckoning you to lay down for a while with them. 


Yeah baby! I was after the Ali MacGraw look from Love Story and Norm was happy to be a yobbo wielding a mullet…


Some happy revellers…


Mini prawn cocktails served in shot glasses – great idea!


Fairy lights were strewn onto any available (or not) surface….


Yay for the internet – here is my inspiration for what I wore –


Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) the Op shops were all out of red tartan skirts and tights…


So dear reader a memorable night was had – looking very forward to the next xx


manifesto of sorts….

If, reader, you have been exceptionally patient with this little sparsely posted blog of mine I admire your tenacity! I admit to worrying that my content is a) not interesting enough b) my photography skills are in their foetal stage and c) sometimes I can’t justify the time spent on my ramblings…. So I have resigned myself to pen this site for what its worth….an online journal of moments in time that matter to me and that I would like to preserve for future reference. There, the pressure’s off, and like a great many things I do under pressure I can now relax and enjoy this this montage of my loves. x (I was even procrastinating re posting this without a suitably staged photo of something amazingly beautiful, creative or freshly baked!!)

Hopsalots = happy

Hot off the needles this morning – beautiful day outside but I was determined to finish them off and see their cute faces. Considering these were to be part of an Easter bundle I really needed to get a move on with them. 

A super easy knit from the uber talented Tiny Owl Knits (pattern available on Ravelry here) It was kind of hard to find wool that wasn’t labelled “machine washable” and as I didn’t have time to wait for an online order I found this Panda feltable wool at a really reasonable price at my local Spotlight store. 

The felting process was really therapeutic – I added some patchouli essential oil to the lather and they smell divine. 


Afternoon delightful

Just picked up the new edition of Frankie – the most awesomest mag ever! I confess to getting a tad excited when I know it’s due to come out and even more excited when I know I have the house to myself for an hour to totally indulge in a cuppa and a great read!ImageImageImage

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Freshly pressed

Hey there! Welcome to my little journal where I’ll jot down the comings and goings of life around our space. It can get a little crazy wild, a little knitty and hooky, a little textiley, a little foodie and a lotta lovey! 



I’ve baked a cake to share and popped the kettle on….won’t you come on down to the garden and we’ll have some tea xImage